Preview - Exploring Homeostasis And Feedback Loops With Diabetes

Are blood glucose levels maintained through homeostasis?

Throughout this lesson, you have interacted with text and graphs to collect evidence that the body has a set point for blood glucose and actively works to maintain balance when levels fall outside of the "normal" range.  This idea of restoring balance is sometimes referred to as dynamic equilibrium, as dynamic refers to energetic or active - meaning that our body is maintaining stability for a set of internal conditions (blood glucose levels, temperature, pH balance, O2/CO2 levels, etc) by implementing lots of tiny changes.  

But if we can't see our individual cells and our tissues in action, then how do we know these minute changes are actually occurring? Use the diagrams below to help you answer this question. 




Please answer the questions below.

Looking at the data above, what claim can you make about the body's ability to maintain blood glucose levels? 

What evidence do you have that the body is able to maintain a relatively narrow range of blood glucose? 

Using evidence from the graph, provide reasoning to support the following claim: 

The human body is able to keep internal conditions stable in response to changing external conditions. 

A full and complete answer should refer to all of the data presented in a clear and meaningful way. 


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